Sunday, August 14, 2005

The Amsterdam-Italy dodgy and dirty women Dialogue

I was sitting on my bed reading the paper like a shareef bachha who has come back from a tiring day of accountingiri (munshigiri). With the prospect of a new job and visiting Amar in Nottingham, I was more than chirpy. My mum entered and sat across me on the other single bed. She starts to unpack my newly purchased shirt, taking out carefully all those pins that hold the folding of a new packed shirt together.

This was our usual routine. I would start discussion by telling her stories from the daily English paper (she doesn’t read English papers), and depending on the way I tell it she would respond appropriately, resulting finally in the start of discussion about marriage.

However today was different. I read her an interesting article about the police in Nottingham being encouraged to wear green ribbons to show solidarity with the Muslim community. I told her excitedly that this is the city I will be visiting in November and my friend Amar lives there. She nodded appreciatively especially at the treatment of Muslims bit. However, I did add the fact that Nottingham is famous for its high crime rate, and her face slightly turned a shade darker. The following is the dialogue that ensued:

Mum: look after your self there. Don’t go to any aeri ghayri (dodgy) places. Also keep your passport with you. You don’t need to carry your passport there do you?

Akbar: no ma! ..Its not that bad…..just have to be cautious. Oh by the way I plan to travel with Amar to Italy and Amsterdam. (In a very excited tone- what would mother know about scandalous Amsterdam…I smile like a chesire cat inside)

Mum: that’s nice. But make sure you avoid kharab auratain (dirty women) and keep away from dirty places. You have no idea what kind of diseases out there.

Akbar : of course ma! (resistive and protesting tone –how the hell does she know about Amsterdam having kharab auratay or how the hell did she read my intentions!!!)

Mum : (sighs sadly!) and to top it all your friend is a sikh! God have mercy! (amar- I am serious, this actually happened)

Akbar: C’mon ma…Amar is not sikh. How many times I have told u he is hindu who is basically converted into a non-believer (agnostic- kafir). And he is very shareef guy. His father is a respected diplomat. Don’t worry. (The last bit settles her down)

Mum exits. Akbar goes into deep fantasies of Amsterdam red light district.